
I am very eager to bring this simple yet effective method to anyone who wants to use it. Below are some of my services, but I'm happy to customize something that works for you.


Gain new perspectives

In this 60 or 90 – minute workshop, you’ll learn the theory behind the method and why it works so well.  We’ll spend most of the time in small groups using the method to help participants gain a new perspective on a problem or become unstuck and find a new way to move forward. 

Build people skills

Acting like an icon is a great way to learn people skills in a fun and intuitive fashion.  You can learn how to expand your empathy, build your confidence, or improve your public speaking using the icons in these three different workshops.  Or if you need a different skill, we can customize a workshop for your needs. 

Transform imposter syndrome

Imposter syndrome afflicts many people, and in this workshop, we’ll discuss why it happens and then learn how to transform our imposters into useful personas that we can call on as helpful inner resources for different situations

Custom workshops

 This method can be used in a variety of ways so if you have a need, but don’t see it here, please don’t be afraid to contact me. We can customize a workshop to suit your organization.  



If you have an important brainstorming meeting where creativity and objectivity are key to your success, I can use act like an icon to facilitate this session. You’ll be amazed by the quality of your ideas and you won’t have to worry about your participants turning the session into a competition.  Plus, it adds a whole new dimension of fun! 

Project Reviews

Project and product reviews often suffer from subjectivity and fear of hurting your teammate’s feelings.  Using the icons during your post-mortem allows attendees to voice their opinions much more freely and gives your work the benefit of many different types of perspectives. 

Team Building

You can use the icons in the same manner that teams use MBTI or DISC, only without the assessment and without typecasting your team members.  Simply choosing those icons who are most like and unlike you allows you to determine the underlying values and belief systems at play in your team dynamics. 


Personal Transformation

Stepping into the character of an icon, like method acting, is a powerful way to practice new ways of thinking and being.  Although the concept is simple, I find that most people need some coaching in order to choose the right icon for their situation, adopt the character, and imitate them.  You can experience a whole new outlook on your life with just a few hours of coaching and follow up from me. Prepare to be blown away by how easy it is to gain new habits and new perspectives. 

"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.”

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