Find your super powers

Remember playing pretend as a child? When you dressed up as your favorite character and became bold, fearless, and powerful? Imitating a role model and imagining what they would do are innate abilities we all possess, even as adults. And, in truth, most of us never stop pretending.
But what if you could channel these innate abilities in order to adopt new perspectives, communicate more effectively, try new behaviors, empathize more, and be a better version of yourself?
We act like different versions of ourselves every day. Now it’s time to try acting like an icon.
Speaking Up
When the environment is not conducive to speaking freely, people can express concerns by asking “What would this person do?” to help people break their own frames of thinking.
Generating ideas becomes much more productive, rich, and fun when you get in character and think the way geniuses think.
Because this method separates message from messenger, it allows uncomfortable conversations to occur in a detached and easy manner. As a result, people can speak freely without fear of being hurt or hurting others.
Team building
Use the profiles in all stages of team development to assess the personality types and working styles on the team and ascertain the team’s blind spots without the use of a proprietary instrument.
Skill building
Individuals simply choose which character exhibits the behavior they want to learn and then they imitate it. Coaching and feedback become easier because they focus on mastery of the character rather than personal strengths and weaknesses.
Have you ever wondered what you would be like if you could get out of your own head? Trying on another persona gives your permission to behave in unexpected ways.
See the icons for yourself!

Martha Stewart
Lesson: Apply creativity and expertise to transform your work into an art form.

Thomas Edison
Lesson: Create a creative and productive environment by providing camaraderie, challenging work, and time for reflection.